Imagine you’re at CANA’s 105th Convention in Washington, D.C., listening to a session you’ve been looking forward to for months. The presenter is known for their excellent communication skills. How do you picture this scene? If we think about the three types of communication – verbal, nonverbal and written – then:
TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONSo what are some key considerations when you’re working to improve your communication? Let’s look at the same types of communication again: VERBAL “HithankyouforcallingABCFuneralHomemynameisJames” Their first response to that greeting might be along the lines of, “…um?” – not an engaging start. When the ringing phone has interrupted something we’re doing, it can take a moment to shift gears. But you shouldn’t let your communications suffer for it. Pause and take a deep breath to ready yourself for the call. Adopt a warm tone and speak slowly and confidently to tell them you’re present and engaged. Your tone should match your message and make your first impression the right one. Not to brag, but I’ve often been confused for a pre-recorded message when I answer the phone. Sure, it means people often start pressing buttons in my ear, but I know they’re convinced of my professionalism! NONVERBAL Even if you’re not paying attention, your actions will communicate meaning. Be aware of your gestures, facial expressions, clothing and body language. Pair these nonverbal cues with your words to make your message and meaning clear. And even when you’re not actively communicating, your body can give the impression of attentiveness, interest and confidence. Try sitting up straight and keeping your body language open by uncrossing your arms and legs. Still need to be convinced? Get a little help from Friends: WRITTEN “Thnak you for meeting w/me today. I look foward to serving you famly.” Even if you had a productive meeting with the client-family, you could ruin your credibility if you sent a follow-up riddled with errors. Always re-read before sending, keep communications brief but clear, and have a plan before you start writing so you remember everything that needs to be included. MAKE A LANGUAGE CONNECTIONWithout thinking about it, funeral professionals might use jargon and euphemisms to be accurate and convey dignity and professionalism. Unfortunately, families often use different words, and this can lead to misunderstandings. When using verbal and written communication, take time to think about your phrasing and always use language the family is comfortable with. The difference between ashes and cremated remains is the most common example in cremation. While we use cremated remains to distinguish between chimney ash and the bone fragments following cremation – plus the emotional distinction between wood and a loved one – a family is less aware of what to expect. Not to mention operational terms like first call and casket can require additional clarification and sensitivity to what clients know about funeral service. We don’t need to correct their language or word choice. We should mirror their language and, as appropriate, respectfully share the professional term to describe what they can expect. practice makes perfect By using these three types of communication more effectively, you can become a more skilled communicator. Here’s a helpful checklist of questions to ask yourself:
This post is excerpted from CANA’s online and on-demand course on Communication Skills Fundamentals. This one-hour course gives practical examples of effective communication techniques, including authentic and empathetic communications and overcoming roadblocks. "My background in providing value and communicating value was reinforced in this course,” complimented Philip Flores of Cremation by Water LLC in Arlington Heights, Ill. about this course and the CANA-Certified Cremation Specialist program. “I can speak to it all day long with my staff, but having a professional association reinforce beliefs and communication styles reassures my support in this particular membership." Communication Skills Fundamentals can be taken anytime, or participants can register to become a CANA-Certified Cremation Specialist and take this course with seven others that are designed to take your skills to the next level. Comments are closed.
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